Almost 7 out of 10 teenagers consume pornography, and some of them play sex games regularly. According to several studies, it can be concluded that the first approach to this type of content by young people tends to occur around the age of 12, and, over time, it usually becomes their main reference point for how sexual behavior should occur.
In general, the percentage of consumption in men (80%) is higher than in women (40%). Today, they are heavily supported by porn gaming websites such as Gamcore is the best platform today for fans of sexgames of various genres.
The psychobiology of pornography
The pornography industry behaves like a drug, and unlike the pleasure that sexual practices bring to our bodies, the pleasure provided by pornography can lead to addictive behavior because of the greater amount of dopamine it produces. This is because sexual practices have more to do with the survival instincts of the human species, whereas watching porn or playing porn games certainly does not.
We all want to feel good, it is for this reason that our brains, when feeling a greater release of dopamine through the consumption of pornography, will encourage the repetition of the behavior, which causes the person to lose the ability to control their own sensations and desires. This will cause the reward circuitry to be affected over time and, consequently, the production of dopamine itself, making it necessary to consume larger doses of pornography in order to achieve the level of satisfaction produced in the first place, a process known as the “tolerance phenomenon”. As a result, the person may develop dependence issues on pornography, increasingly feeling the need to be constantly stimulated in order to feel “stable”.
Negative effects of altered reward circuitry
When we develop an addiction to something, our brains change both structurally and chemically, and this is seen through symptoms of anxiety, stress, difficulty concentrating on certain tasks, fear of making decisions, rapid mood swings for no apparent reason, lack of motivation, apathy, lack of desire to socialize, depression, procrastination, and feeling stuck in life. That is why it is important to treat pornography like porngames as an alternative to entertainment, not the only activity in life. Sites like only serve as a catalyst and as long as they are treated as such (access to the site is restricted), they can provide benefits to a certain extent.