Do You Know Why Men Like Porn So Much?

Often you might have heard people saying that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Men have been wired differently than a woman and as a result, most men tend to look at women as a sex objects rather than a human.  

Often the spouse may think that my man is more interested in having sex with others rather than me, however, this may not always be true. Men will get excited to see a nude woman irrespective whether he is interested in that woman or not. 

Many psychologists have tried to investigate the various effects of the use of pornography, but they have tried to look for evidence to confirm any dangers of porn.  

For example, after spending some time on the porn sites, if you ask a man whether he has felt that their partner is less attractive than those women they saw on the porn sites, the honest answer will often be, “Yes.”  

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Men and pornography

If the man shows his interest in pornography then his woman should not be unduly concerned about it. In fact, there is nothing to worry about because it is a man’s natural instinct to be attracted to pornography. 

According to a sex therapist, whatever may be attracting a man to porn sites, is not a reflection on their sex partners or wives. Often few women feel threatened when they notice so much interest shown by their men in pornography because women may tend to think that they are not as sexy as a porn star.

Men often use porn sites to turn them on before going for actual sex with their partner. That is because looking at the same woman every day may not offer them as much excitement. 

The question may still remain – Why do so many men prefer to look at the pictures of naked women? Of course, it is not so easy question to answer. 

Many parts of our brain can be porn-induced and sexual arousal also has been linked to this pornography. One latest theory says that few mirror neurons in the brain cells get fired up when a certain action will be performed and also when it will be observed, it can play a very important role in the sexual arousal of a man.

However, knowing what is fired up by using porn does not tell us why any men’s brain gets turned on. According to sex psychologists, men’s brains, are hard-wired for much easier arousal as compared to women.

Therefore, men are very easily ready for sex as and when they can get the opportunity and the same is not with any woman. As online porn is so readily available these days on the fingertips, the opportunities for men these days are easily available.